Life with 3 boys under 10, a husband, and a dog is quite the adventure! But I love this life and wouldn’t have it any other way!! Cleaning house, school lunches, PTA meetings, sports practices, cleaning house, cooking, chauffeuring, finding lost items, homework, cleaning house, sports games, adventure, guidance, love, cleaning house…and everything else in between!! …That about sums it up. All you moms can relate, right?? But seriously, how lucky am I??

I get to be a stay-at-home mom and don’t have to miss out on anything our boys do. It’s great, but sometimes we mamas just need an outlet for our thoughts and feelings, ya know? So one day on a whim I decided to start this blog and hope to connect with other ladies or gents out there who can relate!

I am proud to be called mommy by Bug, Pickle, Monkey, and my furbaby LB (nicknames, of course, yes even the dog. Cuz, ya know, she might be embarassed at some of the stuff I post…) 30 years young, happily married to my soul mate for almost 10 years. I enjoy the fact that I can be brutally open and honest with what I write here, because as much as I would like to be, I am not always that way in day-to-day life! I hate cleaning the house, I love tattoos, I am an introvert who is trying to become more extroverted, and I love my boys more than anything in the world. Yes, there is much more to me than that, but I guess you’ll have to follow my blog to find out!!

Life is not always easy, but we make the best of it!!