

and everything else in between


August 2015

Can I be a PTA Mom?

School starts in 2 days, whoop whoop!! Can I get a hell yeah?!?! HELL YEAH!!

My introvertism is well known, but I want to try to change that. I mean, I’m not going all social butterfly or anything, but I do want to make the effort to put myself out there more. For the boys, because they need me to make connections just as they need to make connections themselves. I have been thinking a lot about the new school year and how I want it to be better. Continue reading “Can I be a PTA Mom?”

Looking Forward to September

August and Summer Break are winding to an end. Before we know it September will be here along with the exciting things coming along with it! Like most Moms I am definitely looking forward to the kids going back to school! It is going to be a fun year…Bug is going into fifth grade, how can that be?! Pickle will be a big second grader. And Monkey will start part-time preschool!! Continue reading “Looking Forward to September”

A Pain in my Back

My back has been giving me problems again, ughhh. Right as I am in the midst of my 30 day Yoga Challenge, my lower back issues flare up again. Sounds about right.

I have suffered from back pain since I was a teenager. It started when I was a freshmen, I believe. Continue reading “A Pain in my Back”

Today I was an Asshole Parent

I didn’t really want to be. But I had to be.

I would rather be an asshole parent than a pushover parent.

Bug and Pickle have had a rough summer. Due to different circumstances, we haven’t really gone out and done a lot of things. But we are trying to make the best of it. Hubby and I keep trying to explain it to them in a way that they will understand. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality of outings. Yet, being the attitudey spirited children that they are, I know from their standpoint chilling at home most days isn’t ideal. Continue reading “Today I was an Asshole Parent”

Trying to Lose Weight and Get Healthy (again!)

I have struggled with my weight pretty much my whole life. As a child I was chubby. As a teenager I still carried some extra weight around, though I did play softball from age 10 to 17. My first time dieting and losing weight was when I was 19 for my sister’s wedding. When I was 20 I had Bug, and for the last 10 years my weight has been up and down. My last attempt at losing weight and becoming healthier started almost 2 years ago, in October 2012.

Continue reading “Trying to Lose Weight and Get Healthy (again!)”

The Rejected Article That Started This Blog

A couple of weeks ago when I first decided to start writing again, this was the first piece I wrote. I had just come home from an afternoon out with the kids and I sat down and busted this out. I thought it was good. I did something out of my comfort zone and look a leap: I submitted it to Scary Mommy. After a few days of waiting, I got a response back: good piece, but not what they were looking for. After feeling a little defeated, that’s when I decided to start this blog. I keep thinking about this piece and how I can make changes and additions, but I won’t. It was my first jump back into writing and I just need to sit back and let it be. So here it is… Continue reading “The Rejected Article That Started This Blog”

To Those Who Say Young Love Doesn’t Last…

I’ve got news for you: it does.

Sure, maybe not in all cases, but in our case, it does. And it will continue to last until my last breath.

Hubby and I met young: I was 19 and he was a week shy of 25. And we met on a blind date!! It’s not like we knew each other and there was a connection. Oh no. It was full on this dude is a complete stranger and I have no idea what I am walking into. But, here we are, 11 years, 3 kids, 1 dog, and a house later, still going strong! Continue reading “To Those Who Say Young Love Doesn’t Last…”

First Post (finally)!

Alright, first blog post, finally! I created this blog a week ago and haven’t done anything with it since. Once I had the thought I went with it fast to make it, then sat back. I have had many thoughts and ideas about what I want to write about since then that I have been jotting down. Now it is time to come back and do a little something more.

I am not an expert at anything. I am “just” a momma who stays at home with her boys. Now, the fine print: I am a chef, (mediocre) housekeeper, peacekeeper, chauffeur, personal shopper, financial analyst, teacher, finder of lost toys, kisser of boo-boos, dream guide, loving wife, baseball lover, writer, diy-er, and all around down to earth woman.

When I was a teenager I started writing. Mostly creative writing; poems and short stories. I stopped as I became an adult and entered the real world. But as the craziness of summer vacation this year came upon me, it hit me: I needed an outlet. Something to help gather my thoughts, vent, share a laugh, and document things. Thus mylifeloveadventure was born!! So if you are with me, I hope you can relate and enjoy!

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