

and everything else in between



Catching Up

It has been a while since I have written a blog post, 25 days to be exact. I have been busy, yes, but also haven’t been in the mood to write. I have been focusing my time and energy on other things, but still keeping my budding blog in the back of my mind. I have a little free time today, so I told myself to sit down and write!! So, here is a recap of the last 4 weeks… Continue reading “Catching Up”

The Straw That Broke the (Fat) Camel’s Back

This is not going to be another one of those “My History of Weight Loss” posts, because I have already done that. You can read it here: Continue reading “The Straw That Broke the (Fat) Camel’s Back”

A Letter About Surrogacy…

Dearest Hubby,

As you know, Surrogacy is something that I have had in my heart and on my mind for quite some time now. When it first came up years ago, you were on board. Years have passed since then and it is something that keeps coming up for me. We have had a few conversations about it, and I never feel quite like you understand where I am coming from. So I thought maybe if I write it out, I can better get my point across. Continue reading “A Letter About Surrogacy…”

Losing a Loved One

Well, if ever there was a time where I needed a safe place to let it all out, that time is now. Of course I have my Hubby to offer his constant support and without him I don’t know what I would do.

Death is not a topic I am really all that comfortable with. I know it is a part of life and that everyone experiences it. But quite honestly, it scares the crap out of me. Continue reading “Losing a Loved One”

Fixing Up Our House!!

I am a big fan of DIY. However, I really am not the craftiest person in the world, but Pinterest sure helps with that!! Hahaha. I have come a long way with my craftiness, because I would rather do something myself than spend the money to buy something already done! Last year we bought our first house and have been here for a year now. The house itself had promise, but definitely needed some love and updating. The list was lengthy, but hubby and I weren’t intimidated. That man can do anything, he truly amazes me! Continue reading “Fixing Up Our House!!”

Finding My Happy

A few days ago, I got around to watching a movie that had been on my watch list for a while now: Mom’s Night Out. It’s not a popular movie, I first saw the preview for it a couple of months back when hubby and I rented another random movie from Redbox. I thought it looked good. Then one of my friends posted on Facebook that she had just watched it and really enjoyed the message it had. Continue reading “Finding My Happy”

Can I be a PTA Mom?

School starts in 2 days, whoop whoop!! Can I get a hell yeah?!?! HELL YEAH!!

My introvertism is well known, but I want to try to change that. I mean, I’m not going all social butterfly or anything, but I do want to make the effort to put myself out there more. For the boys, because they need me to make connections just as they need to make connections themselves. I have been thinking a lot about the new school year and how I want it to be better. Continue reading “Can I be a PTA Mom?”

Looking Forward to September

August and Summer Break are winding to an end. Before we know it September will be here along with the exciting things coming along with it! Like most Moms I am definitely looking forward to the kids going back to school! It is going to be a fun year…Bug is going into fifth grade, how can that be?! Pickle will be a big second grader. And Monkey will start part-time preschool!! Continue reading “Looking Forward to September”

A Pain in my Back

My back has been giving me problems again, ughhh. Right as I am in the midst of my 30 day Yoga Challenge, my lower back issues flare up again. Sounds about right.

I have suffered from back pain since I was a teenager. It started when I was a freshmen, I believe. Continue reading “A Pain in my Back”

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