

and everything else in between


mom life

A Quiet, Empty House

Today is a first in our lives: I am sitting home alone (except for LB of course), in a quiet, peaceful house, and all of the boys are at school. This is a memorable occasion. A happy occasion. A sad occasion. One I have been waiting for, but have been sad about too. Continue reading “A Quiet, Empty House”

Back to School!!

The first week of school is behind us!! Well, technically it was only 3 days of school, but still qualifies as the first week. I was thrown off by the fact that school was starting the week before Labor Day, now they will have a 3-day weekend and a 4-day school week, but hey, who am I to complain about school starting earlier than usual? It is always hard getting back into the school routine, but I think we all handled it pretty well.  Continue reading “Back to School!!”

Finding My Happy

A few days ago, I got around to watching a movie that had been on my watch list for a while now: Mom’s Night Out. It’s not a popular movie, I first saw the preview for it a couple of months back when hubby and I rented another random movie from Redbox. I thought it looked good. Then one of my friends posted on Facebook that she had just watched it and really enjoyed the message it had. Continue reading “Finding My Happy”

Looking Forward to September

August and Summer Break are winding to an end. Before we know it September will be here along with the exciting things coming along with it! Like most Moms I am definitely looking forward to the kids going back to school! It is going to be a fun year…Bug is going into fifth grade, how can that be?! Pickle will be a big second grader. And Monkey will start part-time preschool!! Continue reading “Looking Forward to September”

Today I was an Asshole Parent

I didn’t really want to be. But I had to be.

I would rather be an asshole parent than a pushover parent.

Bug and Pickle have had a rough summer. Due to different circumstances, we haven’t really gone out and done a lot of things. But we are trying to make the best of it. Hubby and I keep trying to explain it to them in a way that they will understand. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality of outings. Yet, being the attitudey spirited children that they are, I know from their standpoint chilling at home most days isn’t ideal. Continue reading “Today I was an Asshole Parent”

The Rejected Article That Started This Blog

A couple of weeks ago when I first decided to start writing again, this was the first piece I wrote. I had just come home from an afternoon out with the kids and I sat down and busted this out. I thought it was good. I did something out of my comfort zone and look a leap: I submitted it to Scary Mommy. After a few days of waiting, I got a response back: good piece, but not what they were looking for. After feeling a little defeated, that’s when I decided to start this blog. I keep thinking about this piece and how I can make changes and additions, but I won’t. It was my first jump back into writing and I just need to sit back and let it be. So here it is… Continue reading “The Rejected Article That Started This Blog”

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